New Season 2006/2007
Hello Queens' players and potential Queens' players!
Hope you are all keeping fit and active over the summer and not drinking too much beer and eating too many BBQ's!
Sunday evenings at 6pm are scheduled kickarounds for the team (+others), so anyone who wants to come and play a little football is welcome. We'll be on Parker's piece from 6pm - 8pm so come along and play!
Just to let you know, the new season starts on the saturday 7th october with a friendly against a team to be chosen, with league fixtures starting the week after, and continuing throughout the term.
There is a plan to hold an MCR 5-a-side tournament on a weekend in August and I'll email people on the list if that comes about. If you are a prospective player, please don't hesitate to email me ( to get yourself on the list, it's a fairly informal team and i don't abuse the email list so you'll only get one or two emails a week during term time at most!
Anyway, see you all soon